2. News
  3. EU Debate Club "Is it currently difficult in Europe to discuss the refugee crisis?" was held on 22 October, 2018

EU Debate Club "Is it currently difficult in Europe to discuss the refugee crisis?" was held on 22 October, 2018


 On 22 October 2018, EU Debate Student Club was held in Room 503 of Academia Hall for Social Sciences at Rokkodai campus of Kobe University.
 After checking the latest data on differences among EU Members in terms of their awareness and perceptions of the refugee crisis, 7 participants first discussed how the crisis has been portrayed by media and politicians in their home countries. Several participants pointed out that when discussing the refugee crisis we should look for factually correct and objective sources of information. The debate then focused on some factors that shape people's perceptions of migrants and migration. Participants agreed that people's education, age and the region of residence influence their views of this issue. This was also shown in the case of the British Brexit referendum. At the end students discussed how sports, in particular soccer teams with players of immigrant background, can positively shape the debate on integrating immigrants into European societies.

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Kobe University