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  3. EU Debate Club "Is the EU fully prepared to be one of the leaders in Artificial Intelligence?" was held on 10 December, 2018

EU Debate Club "Is the EU fully prepared to be one of the leaders in Artificial Intelligence?" was held on 10 December, 2018


 On 10 December 2018, EU Debate Student Club was held in Room 503 of Academia Hall for Social Sciences at Rokkodai campus of Kobe University.
 4 participants first checked the data on the EU's strategy for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and observed that current superpowers in AI are the USA and China. The debate covered a wide range of issues, for example possible reasons why the highest number of AI start-up hubs in Europe is in London and why the business environment in the USA is more supportive for technological start-ups than that of Europe. All participants agreed that the EU needs to tackle several challenges in order to successfully compete in AI and they proposed several measures to boost the European AI competitiveness, such as ensuring that the prominent AI experts closely work with politicians in defining the European AI strategy and having more partnerships in the AI field between universities and companies.

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Kobe University