2. News
  3. EU Debate Club "Do Italian banks pose a serious threat to the financial stability of Eurozone?" was held on 21 January

EU Debate Club "Do Italian banks pose a serious threat to the financial stability of Eurozone?" was held on 21 January


 On 21 January 2019, EU Debate Student Club was held in Room 503 of Academia Hall for Social Sciences at Rokkodai campus of Kobe University.
 After checking the recent data on Italy's economic performance, 5 participants discussed some reasons behind low levels of foreign investment in Italy and the country's low ranking in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Report. It was helpful that an Italian graduate student participated in the debate, as he explained Italy's current Eurosceptic coalition government and the recent rift between Italy and the EU. Participants gained better understanding of the two parties in the current coalition (League and Five Star Movement) in terms of their economic goals and their positions towards the EU. Discussants also mentioned recent EU's decision to move the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to Amsterdam and not to Milan following Brexit and subsequent protests by Italy against such decision. Overall, this was a very stimulating debate which looked at Italy from a wider perspective.

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Kobe University