2. News
  3. EU Debate Club "What surprises non-Europeans when they visit Europe? And what do Europeans find unexpected or unusual in Japan?" was held on 17 April

EU Debate Club "What surprises non-Europeans when they visit Europe? And what do Europeans find unexpected or unusual in Japan?" was held on 17 April


 On 17 April 2019, EU Debate Student Club was held in Room 403 of Academia Hall for Social Sciences at Rokkodai campus of Kobe University.
 At the beginning some observations from European visitors of Japan were briefly presented through Powerpoint slides. 10 participants then engaged in a free discussion. Several interesting differences between Europe and Japan (for example in terms of tipping in restaurants, customer service and politeness) were discussed and some possible reasons behind these differences were also mentioned. Taking off shoes before walking inside a house is the norm in Japan, but as the participants pointed out, this may not necessarily be the same in Europe, Australia and China. Other observations included the preference of sparkling water over still water in Europe. Two Japanese students shared their experiences from Italy and Australia. Overall, this has been a very enjoyable debate, which also provided the Japanese and Chinese participants with useful insights on the European lifestyle before going to study in Europe.

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Kobe University