2. Event
  3. EU Debate Club "Should UK leave the EU?" will be held!

EU Debate Club "Should UK leave the EU?" will be held!

EUdebate_poster.JPGポスター (PDF形式)

A referendum is being held on Thursday, 23 June to decide whether Britain should leave or remain in the European Union.
Let us discuss whether it would be effective to Great Britain to leave EU, or what will affect on its nation.

※Feel free to join us anytime you like!

Date & Time:June 21st(Tue)15:10-16:40

Theme:Should UK leave the EU?

Instructor:Hanada Eva(Associate Prof. Kobe Univ.)


Venue:Common Room, Frontier Hall for Social Sciences 6F, Kobe University

Program Coordination Section, Center for International Education, Kobe University
E-mail: intl-prg@office.kobe-u.ac.jp

Kobe University