2. News
  3. EU Debate Club "Should Europe be afraid of terrorism?" was held on 17 November

EU Debate Club "Should Europe be afraid of terrorism?" was held on 17 November


 On 17 November 2016, EU Debate Student Club was held in the Common Room of Frontier Building in Rokkodai campus of Kobe University.
 5 participants first engaged in a discussion of some possible causes of the recent terrorist attacks in Europe. Then they further discussed the reasons behind the so-called home-grown terror as opposed to the terror threats coming from overseas. In the second half, the debate focused on measures which should be taken in order to reduce terrorism. Participants discussed what should be done at the level of individual European member states (effective social policies, integration schemes etc.) as well as some EU-wide measures (more information sharing between intelligence agencies of individual states etc.).
 The free discussion style of our EU Debate Club clearly proves to be an effective method of encouraging students to give their opinions in English.


Kobe University