2. News
  3. EU Debate Club "Should the EU be worried about population ageing?" was held on 5 July

EU Debate Club "Should the EU be worried about population ageing?" was held on 5 July


 On 5 July 2017, EU Debate Club was held in Common Room (606) of Frontier Building at Rokkodai campus of Kobe University.
  5 participants first compared data on population ageing for EU Member States and Japan, and discussed various reasons behind population ageing. The debate then focused on socio-economic problems caused by population ageing and on overall advantages and drawbacks of population ageing. Participants also found out that there were considerable differences between the EU and Japan when it comes to the life after retirement and support for retired persons.
 The concluding debate on whether the EU should be worried about population ageing showed two clearly divided groups of opinions; however, all participants agreed that the worries about population ageing could be mitigated by the right policies enabling a secure retirement life.

 EU Debate Club is designed to familiarise students with the variety of opinions on the EU-related topics and we will continue to select important and relevant debate topics.

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Kobe University