2. News
  3. EU Debate Club "Does Russia pose a serious threat to the EU?" was held on 19 June

EU Debate Club "Does Russia pose a serious threat to the EU?" was held on 19 June


  On 19 June 2018, EU Debate Student Club was held in Room 503 of Academia Hall at Rokkodai campus of Kobe University.
  7 participants first checked some mainstream media news concerning the EU and Russia and then they discussed how Russia is perceived and portrayed by media in their home countries. Participating Chinese students gave several interesting examples in this regard.
  Diverging stances of European countries towards Russia were mentioned as well. For instance, the fact that EU States have different views on Russia's interference in European domestic politics. Participants seemed to agree that countries bordering Russia, such as Estonia, tend to view Russia as a military threat, while West European countries mostly tend to perceive Russia as threat in terms of cyber-attacks.
  EU Debate Club is designed to familiarise students with a variety of opinions on the EU-related topics and we will continue to select important and relevant debate topics.


Kobe University