2. News
  3. Mini Symposium for Kobe University Secondary School was held on 11 July, 2018

Mini Symposium for Kobe University Secondary School was held on 11 July, 2018

 On Wednesday 11 July 2018, Kobe University's Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence organised a Mini Symposium at Kobe University Secondary School. The event was attended by 54 students and consisted of one lecture. After the opening speech by Mr. Motoaki KATSUYAMA, the School's Vice-Principal, Professor Masahiko YOSHII (Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University) delivered a lecture entitled "The European Union: Its Past, Today and Future after the Brexit", in which he explained the process of European integration in detail. Professor Yoshii also pointed out the main challenges currently faced by the EU, in particular Brexit, and after he explained the reasons for Brexit and the process of UK leaving the EU, five possible scenarios for the future of the EU were outlined.
 The lecture kept the student audience engaged and during the Q&A session students posed two questions to Professor Yoshii. The first question was about the background of Jean Monnet, one of the EU's founders and the second question concerned the advantages of staying in the EU for the UK. Professor Yoshi responded to each question in great detail. The Mini Symposium was clearly a very successful event.
 Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of Kobe University will regularly organise mini symposia for high school students.




Kobe University