
Internal Implementation System

Committee for Kobe Global Challenge Program will implement the operation/evaluation of the program by cooperating and collaborating with each faculty and other on-campus institutes as well as centers university-wide. Research Institutes for Higher Education which gives impetus to the university-wide education programs, will conduct risk management instruction courses, planning of programs that have considerable educational benefits, etc. with coordinators experienced in extramural activities overseas playing the central role. Financial assistance for students in regard to extramural activities will be supported by the Kobe University Fund.

Extramural Collaboration

Kobe University has promoted the establishment of 13 overseas alumni networks, transcending nationality and specialties, and also has collaborated with various international institutes and enterprises that have expanded their businesses globally. This program makes the most of these networks and connections with institutions to develop places for extramural activities, and enhance its activities.

Evaluation System

For the efficient deployment of this program, the Program Committee, Committee for University-wide Evaluation/FD responsible for university-wide educational evaluation/FD, and the Committee for Promotion of Higher Education which plays a major role in university-wide education will circulate the PDCA cycle within the campus through project implementation/evaluation/improvement.
An External Advisory Committee consisting of members of society affiliated with international activities and achievements, experts on international exchange, and educators, will be set up for this program to be checked/evaluated by extramural experts.
