Academic English Intensive Course Summer 2022 was held (10, 22-26 Aug)


Academic English Intensive Course Summer 2022 was held in two times: a one-day option on 10th and a four-day session from 22nd to 26th except 24th of August. KUPES was obliged to organize online due to the situation caused by Covid-19 mutant as it had been the last summer. Nevertheless, a cumulative total of 21 students participated in the course. With native English instructors very experienced in teaching Japanese learners, the participants deepened their understanding of European integration through a virtual visit to the House of European History in Brussels and enhanced the four key language competences in reading, listening, speaking and writing. They worked hard to prepare for taking the IELTS test successfully and for writing good academic essays in English. Such activities were usually not covered enough by regular curricula so these were well supplemented by the summer course.
The students expressed their satisfaction with remarks such as "I really enjoyed these classes!" and "I appreciate teachers and people related to the classes. I will study English harder".