Double Master’s Degree

The Double master’s degree is a programme for master’s students to study abroad for at least one year while enrolled at Kobe University, with the aim of obtaining two master’s degrees, one from each university. Students can enroll in a Kobe University partner university in the EU. After completing the full programme at a partner university by earning sufficient credit and passing a master’s dissertation, a master’s degree will be awarded by the European university.. The key difference from students enrolling at a European university as independent candidates is the extra support received from Kobe University, including the DD agreements in place.

For the double master’s degree programme, both Kobe University and the partner university jointly develop a structured curriculum. If a student enrolled at each university separately, their length of study in total would take three to four years. Through KUPES students can complete the required curriculum at each university in one year, i.e., two years in total, and graduate with two master’s degrees.

The necessary academic and personal skills needed for study abroad will be developed through KUPES in a structured manner, enabling students to make full use of what they learn at Kobe University prior to departure. KUPES differs from traditional exchange programmes in that the double master’s degree programme requires students to conduct their research and produce a master’s thesis both at Kobe University and a partner university. Students will receive tutorials from both universities during their master’s period while conducting their research. Tutorials will emphasise the core values of KUPES, namely, a multifaceted, inter-disciplinary and comparative approach between Japan and the EU. At the end of KUPES students will have had a five-year unique study experience.

Advantages of a Double Master's Degree

In order to obtain a master’s degree in a foreign language a high level of competence in that language is an obvious requirement. Students can expect to see advancement in their language competence (English and another official EU language) through taking a double master’s degree.

By taking two master's degrees, students have the opportunity to study two subjects, one in Japan and one abroad. Even if students choose to study the same subject they can still apply different approaches and adopt new methodologies at each university. After obtaining a master’s degree from Europe, students will be well placed to begin a PhD degree at a foreign university.

By conducting research at master’s level both in Japan and in the EU, students will deepen their knowledge and understanding of international politics and economics as well as gaining an understanding of the social and cultural background of their host country through living and working in the EU. As a result, they are able to gain unbiased perceptions about Japan and other countries based on more diverse views and information.

The number of career opportunities on finishing a double master’s degree will undoubtedly be greater because students will have gained high level of foreign language skill and have had many unique experiences during their time abroad. Students can expect to be viewed as valuable assets by foreign companies as well as being well-qualified to undertake overseas assignments. In the current global society, their range of skills developed during study abroad, their mental toughness and international personal connections will be respected and they can expect to be leaders of the next generation regardless of where they are working and in what field, be it in government, academia or NPOs/NGOs.

Double Degree Programme

(updated: May 2021)

Graduate School of Intercultural Studies 「Master of Arts」

  • Katholieke Universiteit Lueven, Faculty of Arts (Belgium)「Master of Arts」
  • University of Naples “L’ Orientale”(Italy)「Master’s degree in Relations and Institutions of Asia and Africa」
  • Université Paris Diderot Faculty of Geography, History, Economics and Society (France)「Master in Comparative History and Civilizations」
  • University of Hamburg Asien-Afrika-Institut, Faculty of Humanities(Germany)「Master of Arts」

Graduate School of Economics「Master of Economics」

  • Katholieke Universiteit Lueven, Faculty of Arts, *ICS and **FEB (Belgium)「Master of Art/MA in European Studi/MSc in Economics/MSc in Business Economics」

Graduate School of Law「Master of Political Science」

  • University of Essex, Department of Government「***One of available MAs/MSc」(UK)
  • Jagiellonian University, Centre for European Studies (Poland)「MA in European Studies」

*ICS: Interfaculty Centre for European Studies

**FEB: Faculty of Economics and Business

*** One of the following degrees: MA Political Science/MSc Political Science, MA Politics, MA Conflict Resolution/MSc Conflict Resolution, MA European Integration and European Politics/MSc European Integration and European Politics, MA Global and Comparative Politics/MSc Global and Comparative Politics, MA Ideology and Discourse Analysis, MA International Relations/MSc International Relations, MA Political Behaviour/MSc Political Behaviour, MA Political Economy/MSc Political Economy, MA Public Opinion and Polling/MSc Public Opinion and Polling